What was stolen by Divorce Lawyer Ilona Ely Grenadier Heckman:
From Herman & Sonia Grenadier: Sonia 1990
1. Mannassas / Bristow Property purchased by Herman & Sonia Grenadier 500 +acres11713 Bristow Rd, Manassas Va - partial sale of property
1. $ 81,000. % should have gone to Sonia Grenadier
2. $ 200,000 % should have gone to Sonia Grenadier
3. $ 521,000 % should have gone to Sonia Grenadier – disbursed on or around February 14, 1986
The last 195 acres had 2 contracts for around or over $ 10 million dollars. Ruth’s daughter has copies of the Contracts that Ilona quashed. The property for 65 acres next to it has a tax value of over $ 6 million. Ilona pushed this sale through in or around April of 2014. The purchaser has a cloud on the title and a Title report shows that issue. The records in Prince William Court house is very clear – Herman & Sonia owned this property and Albert was Trustee – on February 14, 1986 when $521,000 was paid for a portion of the land Ilona Grenadier put this property in her name and ½ in Ruth’s name. instead of it going into the Sonia Grenadier Trust. You can’t change the Truth just because Ilona Grenadier says something different the documents in PWC Clerks office tells the TRUTH.
2. August 8, 1978 House & Lot 319A East Custis , Alexandria, 22301 Virginia IEG & Albert - Purchase $ 35,000. Note of $ 26,000. monthly payment of $ 192.18. payments made to Albert Grenadier then to David Grenadier? Where did the payment's go? When the note was paid off who did the money go to? Ilona and Albert purchased and made monthly payments first to Albert and then to David – can be confirmed by Donna Ilona’s personal & Law office personal book keeper wrote these checks as Ilona had directed her to – She did not pay Sonia her money till busted in March of 1990.
3. Garden at King David – Herman Grenadier was moved / and 3 spots were donated to a Jewish home? Per a conversation with Ilona she donated and took a personal tax deduction for the spots
4. $95,000+ from her estate –David being paid from the Grenadier Law Firm was to manage the Trust and Manage and help purchase Real Estate for GIC (Grenadier Investment 51% IEG and 49%DMG) David was paid to steal the Money to be able to contribute 50% of down payments.
July 1990 - Accounts in question
Burke & Herbert 01-20475-0 Sonia Grenadier Opened October 27, 1987 and was turned over to Jim Arthur
United Va / Crestar 043735428 Sonia Grenadier Closed October 26, 1987
****There is a second United Va / Crestar account that I don't have information on that checks were going into for about a year after that other account was closed..
Provendence Acct which in January of 1985 had a balance of $ 63,388.50 was closed in July 28, 1989 with nothing in it. There were deposits/interest made to this account close to $74,000.00 was mismanaged out of it.
A 1st American Account in Judge Albert Grenadier’s name from 1985 and my understanding closed in 1989. I don't have an accounting of this account and am not sure it was ever disclosed that it existed.
From Ruth Grenadier Subitsky Sonia, Herman, Ruth, Albert
Her children Maida, Scottie, Neil (with special needs), & Amy along with grandchildren
? Custis Ave
Garden at King David – sent notice to her children a stranger was in her Garden
Funds lied to in regard to stolen through her Law firm
Funds from Bristow Road
1. $ 81,000. % should have gone to Sonia Grenadier
2. $ 200,000 % should have gone to Sonia Grenadier
3. $ 521,000 % should have gone to Sonia Grenadier
Property sold on or around
From Janice Wolk Grenadier & her girls:
Married 9/1988 separated August 1997 - raised girls on her own as of around 1992 David Grenadier was curled up in a ball on the bed for days saying he wanted to kill himself – Ilona said “Let him.” The marriage was a scheme to defraud. It was admitted he never loved me and I was just right for the picture and he never wanted children. The knowledgeable intend to defraud was always there, but the evidence and truth of the extend did not come out until the talk of the Sale of 11713 Bristow Road, Manassas Va. April of 2014. The property sold by all appearance with a cloud on the Title, which makes this a continuing Fraud from on or around February 14, 1986 when Ilona Grenadier knowingly started with her lies to defraud Janice. That Ilona admitted it was not David who stole the money which only left her to have stolen it from the Sonia Grenadier Trust.
That Janice is owed the following:
Sonia Grenadier Trust
Note $ 30,000.00 /10% Interest $ 307,576.25
(Prevented Plaintiff from losing her Law License and going to
Jail as Jim Arthur did 1993.
Clients which Defendant loss due to the Note(10% int) $2,471,940.78
Plaintiff demanded acting as Defendants lawyer that she
Had to give up her client – the very min cost to that was
The listings for the new homes (today’s value with interest)
Real Estate
Bellefonte Ave – Personal ownership 50% (10% int w/out my GIC 24.5%) $ 504,003.25
GIC Properties at least 24.5% $3,000.000.00
(accounting of sales, rents, depreciation etc needed) TBD
1623 Francis Hammond
16 West Bellefonte Ave
44 East Taylor Run Pkwy
1813 Leslie Ave
54 East Taylor Run Pkwy
61 East Taylor Run Plwy
33 South Gordon
2943 Sycamore Ave
2945 Sycamore Ave
415 East Delray Ave
224 Guthrie Ave
322 E. Hume Ave
710 Four Mile Rd
707 Four Mile Rd
713 Four Mile Rd
715 Four Mile Rd
628 Notaene Dr
636 Notabene Dr
638 Notabene Dr
Properties located in the City of Alexandria zip codes 22301, 22305, 22314
Southway / SouthHampton Terrace at least 24.5 % $3,100,000.00 ( an accounting for rents, depreciation, income etc needed) TBD
The apartments have Rental income of approx. $95.000 monthly
2014 Market Value $12.3 million Rental Inc. mthly PP $ 2,940,000
404 E Monroe Ave at least 24.5% $ 500,000.00
(an accounting for rents income, etc) TBD 2014 Market Value $2,4 million Rental Inc.mthly $ 11,000 PP 400.000.
Bankruptcy – Defendant would not have been in so is owed legal fees and expenses
Legal Fees – $ 319,613.81
Expenses / Damages TBD
Stolen Car May 2013 David and Ilona sold car w/out Title or copy Title TBD
Damages for actions that were and still are with knowledgeable intend with willful acts that are malicious, violent, oppressive, fraudulent, wanton and grossly reckless in collusion with others.
Damages go back to the first known Lie / Fraud to Defendant February 14, 1986
By all appearance Ilona Grenadier is bringing in around $150,000, a month in rent from properties maybe more .This include her office Building and two properties on Green Street not held or owned by GIC. Majority of this rental income is from properties acquired by stealing money from the Sonia Grenadier Trust and Janice Wolk Grenadier.
That Janice can show she financial as well as everyday participation in GIC management from October of 1986 till the fraudulent Liquidation agreement by an attorney that was not licensed in Virginia by Ilona Greandier Heckman which was done to defraud and harm Janice and her girls.
*Separation started on or Around August 1, 1997 when DMG moved into the basement on the advice of Ilona Grenadier while he waited for the TH he had already planned to move into became vacant on Duke St.
Knowledgably intend of Fraud on the Court to mislead and confuse the Judges whom should have
known by her reputation and education as a Divorce attorney making c. $500. an hour that her actions of cruelty were calculated deliberate with a gang of family members to harm Janice Wolk Grenadier and her girls for being Catholic, with the intend to steal from them as she had Judge Albert Grenadiers 80+ year old mother. That Ilona Grenadier Heckman, Robin Grenadier, Andrea Grenadier and David Grenadier’s actions are comparable to the actions of the Klu Klux Klan as is recorded in e-mails and letters.
That the Judges in the State of Virginia have rallied around her to support her behavior allowing her and her attorneys ignore the rules of the court, to lie in court, lie in court documents to the Circuit Courts, to the Supreme Court of Virginia. That Janice Pro Se has been held to a harsh standard and with knowledgeable intend the Judges have slandered, bullied, used unfair practice in the courts to discriminate for reason of being pro se and catholic. That Judge Kloch who signed the Divorce degree allowed Ilona Grenadier to lie in Court in September of 2007 – the Judges in the Circuit Court of Alexandria at that time were Judge Kloch, Judge Haddock and Judge Kemler. All by appearance recused themselves from the case. But, did not follow the law as evidence will show they knew the law.
Supreme Court Rule §17.1-105(B) provides:
If all the judges of any court of record are so situated in respect to any case, civil or criminal, pending in their court as to render it improper, in their opinion, for them to preside at the trial, unless the cause or proceeding is removed, as provided by law, they shall enter the fact of record and the clerk of the court shall at once certify the same to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who shall designate a judge of some other court of record or a retired judge of any such court to preside at the trial of such case.
That when Janice was informed that an attorney lying in court that she should file a Motion for Default from a Federal Judge. She immediately filed one and all three Judge’s recused themselves, but, did not follow the law and file for the Supreme Court Justice to choose a Judge. Instead they choose Judge Hoss who had recused himself and all Judges from the PWC Circuit Court appropriately in 1990 from hearing any case’s that included Ilona as she practiced law regularly in front of them. Judge Hoss then in November of 2007 recused himself a second time (letter of proof). Then Chief Judge Haddock (informed JWG in May of 2008 that “He LOVED Ilona and she would never get a fair trial.” The Judges chosen by Chief Judge Haddock were Judge Fortkort & Judge J. Howe Brown whom Ilona explained several times that they were her friends and JWG would never win. That Ilona gave on a regular basis free law advice to Judge Brown. Judge McGrath was then chosen here arises the question of the fact that Judge Kloch was now working with Judge McGrath he had been hired to hear the case by all appearance while Judge Kloch was negotiating a Job. That Judge Kloch who had by all appearance recused himself came to the court that day. Judge McGrath to intimidate and make as difficult as he could for JWG warned her she was not going to be a loud to question Ilona Grenadier on anything he didn’t approve. Evidence will show his disingenuous behavior the morning of court and throughout the day. That in 2010 JWG reopened the case to have a Judge with Jurisdiction to hear the 1st motion as it was Fraud on the Court by the Judges ignoring the rules. Judge Kloch shows up to hear motion. Judge Kloch then the day after Recuses himself and writes a letter that working with Judge McGrath he should not have heard such Motion, apologizes and states “The appearance of Justice is just as Important as Justice itself” The question now is Judge Kloch has recused himself twice – How could he have had Jurisdiction to sign JWG’s Divorce decree. That Judge Dawkins then heard and denied the motion yet Judge Dawkins as Judge Haddock and Kemler by all appearance had recused himself as they choose Judge McGrath after Judge Dawkins had been appointed as the new Circuit Court Judge.
That JWG asked to go in front of a Grand Jury and Judge Clark who replaced Judge Haddock refused to hear two of JWG motions in response to filings and letters of Commonwealth Attorney Randy Sengel (who did not run for another term) Randy Sengel and Judge Potter from Prince William County on the Date that the Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Kinser demanded Janice Wolk Grenadier and her witness’s to go in front of the Grand Jury to request a special Grand Jury to look in to the criminal actions of Ilona Grenadier Heckman and the Judicial Community was denied. Janice Wolk Grenadier and her witnesses were kidnapped into another court room and the Grand Jury dismissed without her appearance in front of them. That in October of 2012 Judge Clark, Judge Kemler, Judge Dawkins took documents / Exhibits entered properly into the record and mailed the documents back to Janice. The box remains unopened. The documents support the allegations. That since then in all court hearings or where Janice has been denied a court hearing Judge Clark was the Judge signing the Orders. Judge Clark took Judge Donald Haddock’s place as stated in the news article his best friend is Judge Donald Kent. Judge Donald Kent was on the bench and good friends with Judge Albert Grenadier the father of David Grenadier and the late husband of Ilona Grenadier Heckman. Judge Clark could not get elected into this position without the support of Judge Donald Kent.
The Judges are guilty of: Judicial Misconduct, Criminal Misconduct, Discrimination for Religious, Social, Economic, Hierarch, Gang Type Behavior Similar to the Klue Klux Klan, Attempt to harm Plaintiff and her Girls through Drugs & Rape, Slander of Plaintiff to prevent Due Process, Tampering with Evidence, Mail Fraud, Violating the Law and the Rules of the Supreme courts, Violation of the Judicial Cannons, Obstruction of Justice, Fraud on the Court, TREASON, Title 18 U.S. Code 241 & 242; Title 42 U.S. Code 1981 & 1983 Virginia Code 17 .1-105(b) ex-parte communication Honest Serves and other laws
The Old Boys network in Virginia the collusion and corruption runs from the Lawyers – to the Judges the lawyers put in place with votes - to the Virginia State Bar to the JIRC. The Circuit Courts, the Supreme Court is involved in a RICO type activity to prevent honest serves to Janice Wolk Grenadier. The actions of the City of Alexandria Circuit Court were knowingly intend to harm and maliciously shopped for Judges that would Rule in favoritism and croynism of attorney Ilona Grenadier Heckman The documents including letters from the Judges show this.
That attorney Ilona Grenadier Heckman is quilty of , Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Aiding and abetting obstruction of Justice, Fraud on the Court, Involvement of Forgery, Theft of money from the Sonia Grenadier Trust account through her law office for great personal gain over $10 Million in Real Estate, Theft of Herman Grenadier, malpractice, Bribery, Abuse of her Oath of Office, Conspiracy, Collusion, Miscarriage of Justice, preventing Due Process, conflict of interest – related to the practice of law, violating code of ethics, has liability to her victims, has violated Plaintiffs Religious, Political, United state Constitutional, Virginia Constitutional and Civil Rights, Breach of Fiduciary Duties, RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT, Title 18 US code 241 Conspiracy against rights, and 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law, Retaliatory & Retribution actions, Treason, Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VI, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq., was enacted as part of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, 18 USC§ 912. With her Intention to 18 USC § 1341 -Frauds and swindles, Defraud, Breach of Contract, Arbitrary and Capricious behavior, Committed Fraud on the Court, § 18.2-498.3. Misrepresentations prohibited, § 18.2-172 - Forging, uttering, etc., other writings et al. All of above charges will be proven with letters, documents, witnesses who have also been harmed by the actions of Plaintiff.
That attorneys Michael Weiser, Ben Dimuro, John Tran (now a Judge in Fairfax County), Hillary Collyar, Andrea Mosley, Heather N. Jenquine are guilty of: have lied in court, lied in court documents in Circuit Court of the City of Alexandria and Prince William County, to the Supreme Court of Virginia, used bribery, ex-parte communications with Judges and other criminal activities.
That Janice can show several strange odd occurrences / to intimidate since August of 1997 when David and Ilona in collusion to ruin Janice. The use of domestic violence as well as mental curtly to control and harm her. Sept 1997 cab driver asked to kill DMG for $5,000. , Gun pulled in home November of 1997, Hate e-mails for being Catholic, threat of girls going to social services if Janice didn’t do as they said, Sheriff’s wife Nancy Dunning stopping by March / April 1998 concerned for safety of Janice and girls ( Nancy shared with Janice issues in her marriage) Nancy Dunning was murdered in 1993. Ilona Grenadier admitted to Janice that David did not steal the money. The City of Alexandria filed charges against Janice for a gutter hanging from the earth quake and for allowing a friend to park an RV in her drive way which was totally legal. That Ben DiMuro in collusion with Commonwealth Attorney RandySengel used Detective Pax of the City of Alexandria police to intimidate Janice with Extortion charges which she proved she was retaliation and retribution for telling the Truth and was owed the money. In March of 2011 when JWG was on Travel the police, fire, ambulance came to 15 W. Spring St. to break down the door – luckily my neighbors were home and were allowed to use a key to let them in. I was supposed to be dead in the home? Several neighbors can attest to this. There is no police, fire or ambulance report on this. When that didn’t work to intimidate and scare JWG off, December of 2012 Mark/Michael Stuart as a friend of Ilona’s was hired to drug Janice and get inappropriate pictures – or to rape one of the girls – or to plant drugs on one of the girls or in their home. When that didn’t work December of 2013 Ilona’s BFF Loretta Lax Miller aka Muggy Cat aka Billy Sullivan presidential candidate for 2016 in collusion sent this e-mail and started a blog riddled with lies about Janice. This e-mail states Ilona’s hate feelings about JWG being Catholic:
From: Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 2:05 PM
want to hear something more scarier I contacted Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman your witch hunt is over
From: Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 10:39 AM
That Lea Lax then sent e-mails claiming to be Billy Sullivan and she was going to harm herself – The e-mails were a set up to see if Janice would allow someone to harm another person over religion – I sent the e-mails to the FBI and they are involved in the incident.
That Virginia rated 47th and 49th in two separate studies - Daily Beast rated Virginia second most Corrupt State - -
Public State Integrity Gave them an F - 47th most corrupt States -
Public Integrity gave Virginia an F for Judicial Disclosure For this reason we see: FBI cautions residents of public corruption in Va.
WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- The Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Washington Field Office is looking to identify any public corruption occurring in Northern Virginia. The FBI says public corruption can occur "when a public official, at any level of government – local, state or federal – does any official act in exchange for money, or other free goods or services, for private gain. Public corruption could also include public employees who take something of value for their own personal gain, thereby violating the public's trust." The FBI says many of their investigations into public corruption start once they receive a tip from someone. If you want to help identify potential criminal activity, the Washington Field Office has set up a Northern Virginia Public Corruption Hotline at 703-686-6225
“In the mature of law practice, however, conflicting responsibilities are encountered. Virtually all difficult ethical problems arise from conflict between a lawyer’s responsibilities to clients, to the legal system and to the lawyer’s own interest in remaining an upright person while earning a satisfactory living.”
“The legal profession’s relative autonomy carries with it special responsibilities of self-government. The profession has a responsibility to assure that its regulations are conceived in the public interest and not in furtherance of parochial or self-interested concerns of the bar. Every lawyer is responsible for observance of the Rules of Professional Conduct. A lawyer should also aid in securing their observance by other lawyers. Neglect of these responsibilities compromises the Independence of the profession and the public interest which it serves,”
Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession Rule 8.3 Reporting Misconduct
It Is very clear if a lawyer knows of another lawyers illegal actions they are required to report such actions to the appropriate authorities.
Rule 8.4 Misconduct:
It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to:
Violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another;
Commit a criminal or deliberately wrongful act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness to practice law;
Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation which reflects adversely on the lawyer’s fitness to practice law;
State or imply an ability to influence improperly or upon irrelevant grounds any tribunal, legislative body, or public official; or
Knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct or other law.
This court should keep in mind:
Disciplinary Responsibilities of this court and all courts in Virginia:
A judge who receives reliable information indicating a substantial likelihood that another judge has committed a violation of these Canons should take appropriate action. A judge having knowledge that another judge has committed a violation of these Canons that raises a substantial question as to the other judge's fitness for office should inform the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission.
A judge who receives reliable information indicating a substantial likelihood that a lawyer has committed a violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility should take appropriate action. A judge having knowledge that a lawyer has committed a violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility that raises a substantial question as to the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects should inform the Virginia State Bar.
That the legal profession is largely self-governing and a closed type Society run by the Old Boys Netwrok. Although other professions also have been granted powers of self-government, the legal profession is unique in this respect because of the close relationship between the profession and the processes of government and law enforcement. This connection is manifested in the fact that ultimate authority over the legal profession is vested largely in the courts.
The person doing this and controlling what is happening to Janice Wolk Grenadier HONORABLE DONALD H. KENT (RET.)
Areas of Experience
Personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, construction, family, commercial, employment, real estate, trusts and estates, business torts, local government, and organizational disputes.
• Judge, 18th Judicial Circuit Court of Alexandria, 1974-96; Chief Judge, 1984-96.
• Counsel, Judicial Inquiry & Review Commission, 1997-2000.
• Certified Mediator, Supreme Court of Virginia.
• Former Partner, Thomas, Kent, Haddock & Sewell, Alexandria.
• Retired Adjunct Professor, T.C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond.
• Fellow, Virginia Law Foundation.
• Former Delegate, Judicial Administration Division, America Bar Association.
• Board Member, The National Center for Family Law
• Member, Commission on Prevention of Family Violence, Supreme Court of Virginia.
• Member, Commission on the Future of Virginia’s Judicial System, Supreme Court of Virginia.
• Former Chairman, Model Jury Instructions Committee and Education Committee, Judicial Conference of Virginia.
• Former Member, Boyd-Graves Conference.
• Former President, University of Richmond Law School Association.
• Recipient, Carrico Professionalism Award.
• Recipient, Distinguished Law Alumni Award, University of Richmond.
• Advisor, Central and Eastern European Law Initiative. Attended and advised Court in the first modern jury trial held in Russia.
• T. C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond, J.D.
University of Richmond, B.A.
Judge Kent with the Collusion of Senator Patsy Ticer who refused to meet Janice in Alexandria but, agreed to meet her in Richmond, when Janice got there she was met by Martha Kent. Martha listened to Janice and then replied “do you know who I am?” I replied “no” Martha then said “I am Martha Kent the x-wife of Judge Kent – you can’t win this – you are no longer one of them – just like me and my family we can’t win in court either” She then went on about a story of her niece who had the same issue I was having. WELCOME to VIRGINIA -
What was stolen by Divorce Lawyer Ilona Ely Grenadier Heckman:
From Herman & Sonia Grenadier: Sonia 1990
1. Mannassas / Bristow Property purchased by Herman & Sonia Grenadier 500 +acres11713 Bristow Rd, Manassas Va - partial sale of property
1. $ 81,000. % should have gone to Sonia Grenadier
2. $ 200,000 % should have gone to Sonia Grenadier
3. $ 521,000 % should have gone to Sonia Grenadier – disbursed on or around February 14, 1986
The last 195 acres had 2 contracts for around or over $ 10 million dollars. Ruth’s daughter has copies of the Contracts that Ilona quashed. The property for 65 acres next to it has a tax value of over $ 6 million. Ilona pushed this sale through in or around April of 2014. The purchaser has a cloud on the title and a Title report shows that issue. The records in Prince William Court house is very clear – Herman & Sonia owned this property and Albert was Trustee – on February 14, 1986 when $521,000 was paid for a portion of the land Ilona Grenadier put this property in her name and ½ in Ruth’s name. instead of it going into the Sonia Grenadier Trust. You can’t change the Truth just because Ilona Grenadier says something different the documents in PWC Clerks office tells the TRUTH.
2. August 8, 1978 House & Lot 319A East Custis , Alexandria, 22301 Virginia IEG & Albert - Purchase $ 35,000. Note of $ 26,000. monthly payment of $ 192.18. payments made to Albert Grenadier then to David Grenadier? Where did the payment's go? When the note was paid off who did the money go to? Ilona and Albert purchased and made monthly payments first to Albert and then to David – can be confirmed by Donna Ilona’s personal & Law office personal book keeper wrote these checks as Ilona had directed her to – She did not pay Sonia her money till busted in March of 1990.
3. Garden at King David – Herman Grenadier was moved / and 3 spots were donated to a Jewish home? Per a conversation with Ilona she donated and took a personal tax deduction for the spots
4. $95,000+ from her estate –David being paid from the Grenadier Law Firm was to manage the Trust and Manage and help purchase Real Estate for GIC (Grenadier Investment 51% IEG and 49%DMG) David was paid to steal the Money to be able to contribute 50% of down payments.
July 1990 - Accounts in question
Burke & Herbert 01-20475-0 Sonia Grenadier Opened October 27, 1987 and was turned over to Jim Arthur
United Va / Crestar 043735428 Sonia Grenadier Closed October 26, 1987
****There is a second United Va / Crestar account that I don't have information on that checks were going into for about a year after that other account was closed..
Provendence Acct which in January of 1985 had a balance of $ 63,388.50 was closed in July 28, 1989 with nothing in it. There were deposits/interest made to this account close to $74,000.00 was mismanaged out of it.
A 1st American Account in Judge Albert Grenadier’s name from 1985 and my understanding closed in 1989. I don't have an accounting of this account and am not sure it was ever disclosed that it existed.
From Ruth Grenadier Subitsky Sonia, Herman, Ruth, Albert
Her children Maida, Scottie, Neil (with special needs), & Amy along with grandchildren
? Custis Ave
Garden at King David – sent notice to her children a stranger was in her Garden
Funds lied to in regard to stolen through her Law firm
Funds from Bristow Road
1. $ 81,000. % should have gone to Sonia Grenadier
2. $ 200,000 % should have gone to Sonia Grenadier
3. $ 521,000 % should have gone to Sonia Grenadier
Property sold on or around
From Janice Wolk Grenadier & her girls:
Married 9/1988 separated August 1997 - raised girls on her own as of around 1992 David Grenadier was curled up in a ball on the bed for days saying he wanted to kill himself – Ilona said “Let him.” The marriage was a scheme to defraud. It was admitted he never loved me and I was just right for the picture and he never wanted children. The knowledgeable intend to defraud was always there, but the evidence and truth of the extend did not come out until the talk of the Sale of 11713 Bristow Road, Manassas Va. April of 2014. The property sold by all appearance with a cloud on the Title, which makes this a continuing Fraud from on or around February 14, 1986 when Ilona Grenadier knowingly started with her lies to defraud Janice. That Ilona admitted it was not David who stole the money which only left her to have stolen it from the Sonia Grenadier Trust.
That Janice is owed the following:
Sonia Grenadier Trust
Note $ 30,000.00 /10% Interest $ 307,576.25
(Prevented Plaintiff from losing her Law License and going to
Jail as Jim Arthur did 1993.
Clients which Defendant loss due to the Note(10% int) $2,471,940.78
Plaintiff demanded acting as Defendants lawyer that she
Had to give up her client – the very min cost to that was
The listings for the new homes (today’s value with interest)
Real Estate
Bellefonte Ave – Personal ownership 50% (10% int w/out my GIC 24.5%) $ 504,003.25
GIC Properties at least 24.5% $3,000.000.00
(accounting of sales, rents, depreciation etc needed) TBD
1623 Francis Hammond
16 West Bellefonte Ave
44 East Taylor Run Pkwy
1813 Leslie Ave
54 East Taylor Run Pkwy
61 East Taylor Run Plwy
33 South Gordon
2943 Sycamore Ave
2945 Sycamore Ave
415 East Delray Ave
224 Guthrie Ave
322 E. Hume Ave
710 Four Mile Rd
707 Four Mile Rd
713 Four Mile Rd
715 Four Mile Rd
628 Notaene Dr
636 Notabene Dr
638 Notabene Dr
Properties located in the City of Alexandria zip codes 22301, 22305, 22314
Southway / SouthHampton Terrace at least 24.5 % $3,100,000.00 ( an accounting for rents, depreciation, income etc needed) TBD
The apartments have Rental income of approx. $95.000 monthly
2014 Market Value $12.3 million Rental Inc. mthly PP $ 2,940,000
404 E Monroe Ave at least 24.5% $ 500,000.00
(an accounting for rents income, etc) TBD 2014 Market Value $2,4 million Rental Inc.mthly $ 11,000 PP 400.000.
Bankruptcy – Defendant would not have been in so is owed legal fees and expenses
Legal Fees – $ 319,613.81
Expenses / Damages TBD
Stolen Car May 2013 David and Ilona sold car w/out Title or copy Title TBD
Damages for actions that were and still are with knowledgeable intend with willful acts that are malicious, violent, oppressive, fraudulent, wanton and grossly reckless in collusion with others.
Damages go back to the first known Lie / Fraud to Defendant February 14, 1986
By all appearance Ilona Grenadier is bringing in around $150,000, a month in rent from properties maybe more .This include her office Building and two properties on Green Street not held or owned by GIC. Majority of this rental income is from properties acquired by stealing money from the Sonia Grenadier Trust and Janice Wolk Grenadier.
That Janice can show she financial as well as everyday participation in GIC management from October of 1986 till the fraudulent Liquidation agreement by an attorney that was not licensed in Virginia by Ilona Greandier Heckman which was done to defraud and harm Janice and her girls.
*Separation started on or Around August 1, 1997 when DMG moved into the basement on the advice of Ilona Grenadier while he waited for the TH he had already planned to move into became vacant on Duke St.
Knowledgably intend of Fraud on the Court to mislead and confuse the Judges whom should have
known by her reputation and education as a Divorce attorney making c. $500. an hour that her actions of cruelty were calculated deliberate with a gang of family members to harm Janice Wolk Grenadier and her girls for being Catholic, with the intend to steal from them as she had Judge Albert Grenadiers 80+ year old mother. That Ilona Grenadier Heckman, Robin Grenadier, Andrea Grenadier and David Grenadier’s actions are comparable to the actions of the Klu Klux Klan as is recorded in e-mails and letters.
That the Judges in the State of Virginia have rallied around her to support her behavior allowing her and her attorneys ignore the rules of the court, to lie in court, lie in court documents to the Circuit Courts, to the Supreme Court of Virginia. That Janice Pro Se has been held to a harsh standard and with knowledgeable intend the Judges have slandered, bullied, used unfair practice in the courts to discriminate for reason of being pro se and catholic. That Judge Kloch who signed the Divorce degree allowed Ilona Grenadier to lie in Court in September of 2007 – the Judges in the Circuit Court of Alexandria at that time were Judge Kloch, Judge Haddock and Judge Kemler. All by appearance recused themselves from the case. But, did not follow the law as evidence will show they knew the law.
Supreme Court Rule §17.1-105(B) provides:
If all the judges of any court of record are so situated in respect to any case, civil or criminal, pending in their court as to render it improper, in their opinion, for them to preside at the trial, unless the cause or proceeding is removed, as provided by law, they shall enter the fact of record and the clerk of the court shall at once certify the same to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who shall designate a judge of some other court of record or a retired judge of any such court to preside at the trial of such case.
That when Janice was informed that an attorney lying in court that she should file a Motion for Default from a Federal Judge. She immediately filed one and all three Judge’s recused themselves, but, did not follow the law and file for the Supreme Court Justice to choose a Judge. Instead they choose Judge Hoss who had recused himself and all Judges from the PWC Circuit Court appropriately in 1990 from hearing any case’s that included Ilona as she practiced law regularly in front of them. Judge Hoss then in November of 2007 recused himself a second time (letter of proof). Then Chief Judge Haddock (informed JWG in May of 2008 that “He LOVED Ilona and she would never get a fair trial.” The Judges chosen by Chief Judge Haddock were Judge Fortkort & Judge J. Howe Brown whom Ilona explained several times that they were her friends and JWG would never win. That Ilona gave on a regular basis free law advice to Judge Brown. Judge McGrath was then chosen here arises the question of the fact that Judge Kloch was now working with Judge McGrath he had been hired to hear the case by all appearance while Judge Kloch was negotiating a Job. That Judge Kloch who had by all appearance recused himself came to the court that day. Judge McGrath to intimidate and make as difficult as he could for JWG warned her she was not going to be a loud to question Ilona Grenadier on anything he didn’t approve. Evidence will show his disingenuous behavior the morning of court and throughout the day. That in 2010 JWG reopened the case to have a Judge with Jurisdiction to hear the 1st motion as it was Fraud on the Court by the Judges ignoring the rules. Judge Kloch shows up to hear motion. Judge Kloch then the day after Recuses himself and writes a letter that working with Judge McGrath he should not have heard such Motion, apologizes and states “The appearance of Justice is just as Important as Justice itself” The question now is Judge Kloch has recused himself twice – How could he have had Jurisdiction to sign JWG’s Divorce decree. That Judge Dawkins then heard and denied the motion yet Judge Dawkins as Judge Haddock and Kemler by all appearance had recused himself as they choose Judge McGrath after Judge Dawkins had been appointed as the new Circuit Court Judge.
That JWG asked to go in front of a Grand Jury and Judge Clark who replaced Judge Haddock refused to hear two of JWG motions in response to filings and letters of Commonwealth Attorney Randy Sengel (who did not run for another term) Randy Sengel and Judge Potter from Prince William County on the Date that the Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Kinser demanded Janice Wolk Grenadier and her witness’s to go in front of the Grand Jury to request a special Grand Jury to look in to the criminal actions of Ilona Grenadier Heckman and the Judicial Community was denied. Janice Wolk Grenadier and her witnesses were kidnapped into another court room and the Grand Jury dismissed without her appearance in front of them. That in October of 2012 Judge Clark, Judge Kemler, Judge Dawkins took documents / Exhibits entered properly into the record and mailed the documents back to Janice. The box remains unopened. The documents support the allegations. That since then in all court hearings or where Janice has been denied a court hearing Judge Clark was the Judge signing the Orders. Judge Clark took Judge Donald Haddock’s place as stated in the news article his best friend is Judge Donald Kent. Judge Donald Kent was on the bench and good friends with Judge Albert Grenadier the father of David Grenadier and the late husband of Ilona Grenadier Heckman. Judge Clark could not get elected into this position without the support of Judge Donald Kent.
The Judges are guilty of: Judicial Misconduct, Criminal Misconduct, Discrimination for Religious, Social, Economic, Hierarch, Gang Type Behavior Similar to the Klue Klux Klan, Attempt to harm Plaintiff and her Girls through Drugs & Rape, Slander of Plaintiff to prevent Due Process, Tampering with Evidence, Mail Fraud, Violating the Law and the Rules of the Supreme courts, Violation of the Judicial Cannons, Obstruction of Justice, Fraud on the Court, TREASON, Title 18 U.S. Code 241 & 242; Title 42 U.S. Code 1981 & 1983 Virginia Code 17 .1-105(b) ex-parte communication Honest Serves and other laws
The Old Boys network in Virginia the collusion and corruption runs from the Lawyers – to the Judges the lawyers put in place with votes - to the Virginia State Bar to the JIRC. The Circuit Courts, the Supreme Court is involved in a RICO type activity to prevent honest serves to Janice Wolk Grenadier. The actions of the City of Alexandria Circuit Court were knowingly intend to harm and maliciously shopped for Judges that would Rule in favoritism and croynism of attorney Ilona Grenadier Heckman The documents including letters from the Judges show this.
That attorney Ilona Grenadier Heckman is quilty of , Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Aiding and abetting obstruction of Justice, Fraud on the Court, Involvement of Forgery, Theft of money from the Sonia Grenadier Trust account through her law office for great personal gain over $10 Million in Real Estate, Theft of Herman Grenadier, malpractice, Bribery, Abuse of her Oath of Office, Conspiracy, Collusion, Miscarriage of Justice, preventing Due Process, conflict of interest – related to the practice of law, violating code of ethics, has liability to her victims, has violated Plaintiffs Religious, Political, United state Constitutional, Virginia Constitutional and Civil Rights, Breach of Fiduciary Duties, RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT, Title 18 US code 241 Conspiracy against rights, and 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law, Retaliatory & Retribution actions, Treason, Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VI, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq., was enacted as part of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, 18 USC§ 912. With her Intention to 18 USC § 1341 -Frauds and swindles, Defraud, Breach of Contract, Arbitrary and Capricious behavior, Committed Fraud on the Court, § 18.2-498.3. Misrepresentations prohibited, § 18.2-172 - Forging, uttering, etc., other writings et al. All of above charges will be proven with letters, documents, witnesses who have also been harmed by the actions of Plaintiff.
That attorneys Michael Weiser, Ben Dimuro, John Tran (now a Judge in Fairfax County), Hillary Collyar, Andrea Mosley, Heather N. Jenquine are guilty of: have lied in court, lied in court documents in Circuit Court of the City of Alexandria and Prince William County, to the Supreme Court of Virginia, used bribery, ex-parte communications with Judges and other criminal activities.
That Janice can show several strange odd occurrences / to intimidate since August of 1997 when David and Ilona in collusion to ruin Janice. The use of domestic violence as well as mental curtly to control and harm her. Sept 1997 cab driver asked to kill DMG for $5,000. , Gun pulled in home November of 1997, Hate e-mails for being Catholic, threat of girls going to social services if Janice didn’t do as they said, Sheriff’s wife Nancy Dunning stopping by March / April 1998 concerned for safety of Janice and girls ( Nancy shared with Janice issues in her marriage) Nancy Dunning was murdered in 1993. Ilona Grenadier admitted to Janice that David did not steal the money. The City of Alexandria filed charges against Janice for a gutter hanging from the earth quake and for allowing a friend to park an RV in her drive way which was totally legal. That Ben DiMuro in collusion with Commonwealth Attorney RandySengel used Detective Pax of the City of Alexandria police to intimidate Janice with Extortion charges which she proved she was retaliation and retribution for telling the Truth and was owed the money. In March of 2011 when JWG was on Travel the police, fire, ambulance came to 15 W. Spring St. to break down the door – luckily my neighbors were home and were allowed to use a key to let them in. I was supposed to be dead in the home? Several neighbors can attest to this. There is no police, fire or ambulance report on this. When that didn’t work to intimidate and scare JWG off, December of 2012 Mark/Michael Stuart as a friend of Ilona’s was hired to drug Janice and get inappropriate pictures – or to rape one of the girls – or to plant drugs on one of the girls or in their home. When that didn’t work December of 2013 Ilona’s BFF Loretta Lax Miller aka Muggy Cat aka Billy Sullivan presidential candidate for 2016 in collusion sent this e-mail and started a blog riddled with lies about Janice. This e-mail states Ilona’s hate feelings about JWG being Catholic:
From: Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 2:05 PM
want to hear something more scarier I contacted Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman your witch hunt is over
From: Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 10:39 AM
That Lea Lax then sent e-mails claiming to be Billy Sullivan and she was going to harm herself – The e-mails were a set up to see if Janice would allow someone to harm another person over religion – I sent the e-mails to the FBI and they are involved in the incident.
That Virginia rated 47th and 49th in two separate studies - Daily Beast rated Virginia second most Corrupt State - -
Public State Integrity Gave them an F - 47th most corrupt States -
Public Integrity gave Virginia an F for Judicial Disclosure For this reason we see: FBI cautions residents of public corruption in Va.
WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- The Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Washington Field Office is looking to identify any public corruption occurring in Northern Virginia. The FBI says public corruption can occur "when a public official, at any level of government – local, state or federal – does any official act in exchange for money, or other free goods or services, for private gain. Public corruption could also include public employees who take something of value for their own personal gain, thereby violating the public's trust." The FBI says many of their investigations into public corruption start once they receive a tip from someone. If you want to help identify potential criminal activity, the Washington Field Office has set up a Northern Virginia Public Corruption Hotline at 703-686-6225
“In the mature of law practice, however, conflicting responsibilities are encountered. Virtually all difficult ethical problems arise from conflict between a lawyer’s responsibilities to clients, to the legal system and to the lawyer’s own interest in remaining an upright person while earning a satisfactory living.”
“The legal profession’s relative autonomy carries with it special responsibilities of self-government. The profession has a responsibility to assure that its regulations are conceived in the public interest and not in furtherance of parochial or self-interested concerns of the bar. Every lawyer is responsible for observance of the Rules of Professional Conduct. A lawyer should also aid in securing their observance by other lawyers. Neglect of these responsibilities compromises the Independence of the profession and the public interest which it serves,”
Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession Rule 8.3 Reporting Misconduct
It Is very clear if a lawyer knows of another lawyers illegal actions they are required to report such actions to the appropriate authorities.
Rule 8.4 Misconduct:
It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to:
Violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another;
Commit a criminal or deliberately wrongful act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness to practice law;
Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation which reflects adversely on the lawyer’s fitness to practice law;
State or imply an ability to influence improperly or upon irrelevant grounds any tribunal, legislative body, or public official; or
Knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct or other law.
This court should keep in mind:
Disciplinary Responsibilities of this court and all courts in Virginia:
A judge who receives reliable information indicating a substantial likelihood that another judge has committed a violation of these Canons should take appropriate action. A judge having knowledge that another judge has committed a violation of these Canons that raises a substantial question as to the other judge's fitness for office should inform the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission.
A judge who receives reliable information indicating a substantial likelihood that a lawyer has committed a violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility should take appropriate action. A judge having knowledge that a lawyer has committed a violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility that raises a substantial question as to the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects should inform the Virginia State Bar.
That the legal profession is largely self-governing and a closed type Society run by the Old Boys Netwrok. Although other professions also have been granted powers of self-government, the legal profession is unique in this respect because of the close relationship between the profession and the processes of government and law enforcement. This connection is manifested in the fact that ultimate authority over the legal profession is vested largely in the courts.
The person doing this and controlling what is happening to Janice Wolk Grenadier HONORABLE DONALD H. KENT (RET.)
Areas of Experience
Personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, construction, family, commercial, employment, real estate, trusts and estates, business torts, local government, and organizational disputes.
• Judge, 18th Judicial Circuit Court of Alexandria, 1974-96; Chief Judge, 1984-96.
• Counsel, Judicial Inquiry & Review Commission, 1997-2000.
• Certified Mediator, Supreme Court of Virginia.
• Former Partner, Thomas, Kent, Haddock & Sewell, Alexandria.
• Retired Adjunct Professor, T.C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond.
• Fellow, Virginia Law Foundation.
• Former Delegate, Judicial Administration Division, America Bar Association.
• Board Member, The National Center for Family Law
• Member, Commission on Prevention of Family Violence, Supreme Court of Virginia.
• Member, Commission on the Future of Virginia’s Judicial System, Supreme Court of Virginia.
• Former Chairman, Model Jury Instructions Committee and Education Committee, Judicial Conference of Virginia.
• Former Member, Boyd-Graves Conference.
• Former President, University of Richmond Law School Association.
• Recipient, Carrico Professionalism Award.
• Recipient, Distinguished Law Alumni Award, University of Richmond.
• Advisor, Central and Eastern European Law Initiative. Attended and advised Court in the first modern jury trial held in Russia.
• T. C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond, J.D.
University of Richmond, B.A.
Judge Kent with the Collusion of Senator Patsy Ticer who refused to meet Janice in Alexandria but, agreed to meet her in Richmond, when Janice got there she was met by Martha Kent. Martha listened to Janice and then replied “do you know who I am?” I replied “no” Martha then said “I am Martha Kent the x-wife of Judge Kent – you can’t win this – you are no longer one of them – just like me and my family we can’t win in court either” She then went on about a story of her niece who had the same issue I was having. WELCOME to VIRGINIA -
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